Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Rape Kit Problem

From Kristof's Op-Ed today in the NYT:

Stunningly often, the rape kit isn’t tested at all because it’s not deemed a priority. If it is tested, this happens at such a lackadaisical pace that it may be a year or more before there are results (if expedited, results are technically possible in a week).

So while we have breakthrough DNA technologies to find culprits and exculpate innocent suspects, we aren’t using them properly — and those who work in this field believe the reason is an underlying doubt about the seriousness of some rape cases. In short, this isn’t justice; it’s indifference.

continue reading...

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Robert Nickelsberg/Getty Images, for the New York Times

This is very inspiring and moving to see women speak out, even with so much against them:

Afghan Women Protest New Law on Home Life

Nicole Richie...

...has a message about the Congo!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Anyone else wish Seth Rogan would go away?

After cringing and not laughing my way through "Knocked Up," this certainly doesn't surprise me:

Seth Rogan's date (rape) movie

(I realize Seth Rogan doesn't make these movies, but he certainly likes to place himself in the roles).

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

This Week in The Nation

Zina Saunders for The Nation

The Nation had several articles this week that may interest:

When Culture Trumps Law
More on Brazil and abortion laws and culture

Mad About Michelle

a feminist response to common perceptions of the First Lady (past & present)

Warlord Politics
More information on the ever-complicated conflict(s) in the Dem. Rep. of Congo & Rwanda

Friday, April 3, 2009

Legalized Rape in Afghanistan

AP (Afghan women pray for justice and security of the country during a gathering to mark the International Women's Day in Kabul)

Critics Assail Law that "Legalizes Rape"
from Yahoo News

from the article:
"As long as the husband is not traveling, he has the right to have sexual intercourse with his wife every fourth night," Article 132 of the law says. "Unless the wife is ill or has any kind of illness that intercourse could aggravate, the wife is bound to give a positive response to the sexual desires of her husband."

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Guilty Pleasures

In addition to Perez Hilton and Philebrity (and a few 'real news' sources, like NYT and Morning News), I have Jezebel chiseled into the list of blogs I read daily via Google Reader. Today they posted about femicide in the Congo and the link between Western cell-phone addiction and the continuing crisis the nation faces. Though I felt moved and incredibly enriched following the recent WSC Congo teach-in, I also felt positively helpless. So, I'm relieved to see a news outlet with such an expansive and active readership spread the message about the crisis. Hopefully there's more of this to come!