Saturday, August 23, 2008

Next VP?

Today, Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama announced that Senator Joe Biden is his running mate. Biden's long-time commitment to passing legislation to combat domestic violence and offer legal support to abuse victims is one of his many accomplishments. As voters and citizens, this is a time for us to examine each candidate's stance (and past legislative efforts, failures, and objectives) on various issues affecting women. It is also a time to place pressure on candidates and offer criticism while they still desperately want our vote (especially us Pennsylvanians).

To read more from Joe Biden on domestic violence, click here.

To contact one of the major candidates running for president: Bob Barr, John McCain, Cynthia McKinney, Ralph Nader, Barack Obama.

This is in no way an endorsement of either Barack Obama or Joe Biden.


Sarah Coburn said...

Is there a planned discussion meeting to talk about these guys? And the other guys? I know I could benefit a lot from exposing our collective knowledge. There are a lot of big black holes when it comes to my understanding on the candidates' positions of issues and policies that are important to me and I would love to hear what everyone has to say. (I would also love an excuse to break away from torts and contracts...)

Roz Hunter said...

Yes! After our next workshop, "Marriage and Family," we agreed to have a few discussions on the November election... We need to brainstorm specifics- At the next meeting, let's try to pin down some topics.