Here is what he wrote:
There are 27 million slaves in this world today. That is more than ever before in history. The Not For Sale Campaign is a movement that is dedicated to ending modern day slavery.
Not For Sale aims to educate and mobilize an international abolitionist movement through the innovation and implementation of open-source activism. Inside the United States, the campaign identifies trafficking rings and collaborates with local law enforcement and community groups to shut them down and provide support for the victims. Internationally, the campaign partners with poorly resourced abolitionist groups to enhance their capacity.To get involved please visit:
It was kind of your brother to quote from my book, Disposable People: New Slavery in the Global Economy about the 27 million people in slavery. There's actually an interesting paradox about the 27 million slaves in the world - yes, it is a huge number, as I wrote it is the largest ever in human history, but it is also the smallest fraction of the human population to ever be in slavery. Likewise, the amount of money slaves pump into the world economy is big, around $50 billion a year, but it is also the smallest fraction of the global economy to ever be represented by slave labor.
The truth is that slavery has been pushed to the edge of its own extinction and working together we can tip it over the brink. I hope you'll visit and share our website -, and maybe look at my book on how we can bring slavery to an end in 25 years, it is called: Ending Slavery: How We Free Today's Slaves.
All best
Kevin Bales
Thank you Mr. Bales! I read your book a few years ago (Disposable People), and I want to thank you for this contribution. I hope our group can have a discussion on this topic soon, and we will certainly share with others.
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